U.S. Trademark Process Overview
The US trademark process typically involves the following steps:
Trademark Search: Before filing a trademark application, it is advisable to conduct a thorough search to ensure that there are no conflicting marks that may cause confusion with your mark. The analysis is based on similar, not identical, marks that can cause consumer confusion.
Trademark Application: Once it is confirmed your trademark has a good chance of success, you can file a trademark application online through the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). The application should include a description of the goods or services associated with the mark, as well as the classification of the mark.
Examination: The USPTO examines your application to determine whether the mark is eligible for registration. The examiner may request additional information or clarification during this stage. The current timeline is around 7 months to have your application reviewed.
Publication: If the examiner approves the application, the mark will be published in the USPTO's Official Gazette, giving third parties an opportunity to oppose registration if they think the registration of your mark will cause them harm.
Opposition: If someone believes your mark would infringe on their existing trademark, they may file an opposition within 30 days of the publication date.
Registration: If no opposition is filed or if the opposition is unsuccessful, the mark will be registered, and a certificate of registration will be issued.
The chart below is a general timeline for each step in the trademark process. Timelines may vary by up to 20%, this offers a reliable estimate.
It's important to note that the entire process is currently taking at least 12 months. Working with an experienced trademark attorney increases your chances of success 51%. If you’re interested in our services please reach out here.