Trademark Assignment.Please complete the sign up form below regarding your trademark Notice of Allowance. * First Name Last Name Trademark Owner (conveyor) * Address of Owner Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Trademark Serial Number (12345678) Brand Name Individual who is authorizing the transfer of ownership Position Title Principal, CEO, Owner, COO, etc. New owner business or individual name (recipient) Address of New Owner Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country I have submitted the appropriate fees. * Failure to submit the appropriate fees can result in your assignment not being submitted. If you are unsure, please reach out. Fees have been submitted I agree to the Terms and Conditions (below) * Agree By submitting this form, I am signing off on this transfer, and agree to have it subsequently submitted on my behalf by Morgan Business Solutions, LLC. * Agree Thank you for your submission!A member from our team will reach out to complete your order (i.e: invoice, logo submission, etc) Please allow up to 2 business days to be contacted about your order. Please be mindful of your email to streamline your services. We look forward to partnering with you!By utilizing Morgan Business Solutions’ services you are agreeing to our. For more information please view: Terms and Conditions Terms & Conditions